Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strange Parrot by Sy Montgomery; photographs by Nic Bishop

[Sibert pick]

A truly fascinating encounter with one of the rarest animals on Earth, Kakapo Rescue takes the younger and older reader along on a textually and photographically stunning journey to a remote island off the New Zealand coast. On Codfish Island, a kakapo sanctuary has been erected to save the extremely endangered animals, of which eighty-seven exist; they only breed at certain times, and even then, their eggs and offspring are incredibly fragile. Montgomery and Bishop capture the volunteers’ highs and lows as they monitor the eggs and hatched babies; one story in particular, about a young chick who suddenly and mysteriously dies, pulls on the heartstrings.

Bishop makes sure to include photographs that show New Zealand’s splendor aside from kakapo parrots and Codfish Island, and Montgomery does an excellent job of providing background information about the events that led to the kakapo decimation. This book is an extraordinarily fascinating look at a fascinating and rare animal that one cannot help but want to save.

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