Saturday, January 29, 2011

One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia

[Coretta Scott King pick]

Three sisters are sent to visit their mother on the other side of the country; they are apprehensive, and as well they should be, since they barely know their mother. When they arrive, they are greeted by a stranger, it seems, an admittedly sophisticated woman who seems to evince little emotion towards her own children. What they do notice about her is her passion about her writing and towards her work with the Black Panthers. The girls attend a Black Panthers day camp, which is interesting to read about, and fend for themselves in California. Many events have to ensue before the oldest, Delphine, comes to an understanding about their mother, causing her to have to grow up way before her time.

It is always difficult for me to fully enmesh myself in a novel with a thoroughly unlikeable character or characters -- such is the case with One Crazy Summer. The premise of the book is interesting and Williams-Garcia writers with an easy flair; however, the character of the mother is so obnoxious that it made it quite impossible for me to fully embrace the novel. The dynamic between the sisters is adorable and spot-on; it was interesting to read about the Black Panther "day care" camp, if you will, especially from a child's viewpoint. Definitely an interesting and quick read, just be prepared to have the character of the mother raise your blood pressure a few points.

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